Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Releasings for the Sons and Daughters

dancing with papa!
How precious are His thoughts for you.  How abundantly numerous and extraordinarily kind.

In your striving to be enough...to be worthy and good...he breathes words of affirmation into the atmosphere, dissolving the thick air of guilt that surrounds you.  Wiping your tear stained cheeks...carefully catching the droplets ..knowing the heartache that surrounds each one...and caring deeply about your sensitive heart.  Covering and taking your shame...replacing it with the radiance of His family name...because you have been adopted...chosen and established into His family.  Into the safety of his dwelling... where he cares, nourishes and dotes upon his beautiful, cherished daughter with his unswerving, unconditional love and affection.  

Performance to gain his love - his acceptance - can be laid to rest.  You're already seen...right where you are.  You're enough...every stitch of you.  

Your position in his family...as he calls you daughter...is guaranteed.  It can never be compromised, never be stolen or replaced by someone sweeter or lovelier...you are the prized daughter that he holds highest esteem to.  You were enveloped in his embrace before you were even aware...his love for you is overflowing.  He's gentle with you...he's careful with your irreplaceable heart.  When others have not been so gentle...carelessly batting your heart around, daddy wants to fix the wounds...heal the hurt.  He's the only one that can mend what's broken and keep it soft and open to be loved.

He longs for his daughter to draw near to him...minus the striving...just as you are...so he can whisper a Father's love song to your spirit...to release your birth right...to stamp it on your heart and seal it in your spirit.  

Precious child...daughter...He's so fond of you. He's so proud of you. He so loves you.
father and son
Son, if you know one thing in life...if you fight for one spec of knowledge to hold on to when control feels like it's breaking and rushing away...slipping from your calloused and splintered fingers.  Know this: Father God loves you wildly... passionately.  

He will NEVER leave you...never forsake you...all the days you live and breathe and carry immense weight while protecting the vulnerable ones on this earth.  

He will protect you and strengthen you...pouring out what you need right where you need it...right WHEN you need it.   

He is trustworthy...a generous provider and mighty Saviour.  Be still in his presence and he will pull you up under his arm and whisper words of affirmation to feed the boy inside...to strengthen the inner and outer man...pouring out living water...liquid life to your dry and dusty bones.  Filling your spirit...your heart with all the things you may be lacking.  All the holes you try to fill with things of this earth....filling in potholes of your supple heart with cement...it weighs heavy...dense.  They won't give you what you really need.  

The healing balm of redemption, forgiveness, acceptance will soothe the sting of life.  Compassion to heal the scrapes and bruises you've left neglected...when you thought you were too tough to tend to small flesh wounds.  But these were no flesh wounds...the gouges ran deep and have never fully healed.  

You, brave warrior...it's time to rest under the protection of a Father who keeps a watchful and affectionate eye on you.  Tending to that which is raw...open...but you must be still and leave it open for his healing to soak deep.  Deep into a spirit gasping for air...longing for more...desiring to walk strong... and live strong... and be strong.   

You, brave warrior, can do all things, through your mighty Saviour...the one who gives you life and love ...the one who gives you His strength...strength in weakness...

Be still...know the truth.  You are wildly loved.

~wanna read more?  try Psalm 139 and know the FULL truth

(see pictures at  http://pinterest.com/pin/98938523036793387/   http://pinterest.com/pin/98938523036793388/)

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