Friday, July 12, 2013

Releasing Scars

Scars - battle wounds...reminders. 
Of the injuries of the past...of the saving grace that you're still here...alive.  
Have they made you a different version of yourself?  
Death dodging builds soul strengthening.

My eyes look awake to the reminders I see, but know nothing about...a woman bears remembrance with a stripe of pink splashed straight down her chest...a man with a lingering sign of damage cut clean through  his delicate neck...another with an S shaped contour stretching from nose to lip...a reminder in each glance reflecting back in the mirror.  I've noticed scars...and celebrated graces for each fragile yet mighty warrior. 

In the bearing of scars there is no desertion... abandonment...  discarding... forsaking... in the pain you've been through.  The thing that brought you closer to death but now makes you more alive.

The Holy One knows that sacred place of bearing and remembering...the pain that brought life...even eternal life.  When Christ concurred death, he still bore those proof of the grace and the power.  He meets you with a deep understanding in the midst of your scars...whether seen or hidden.  Whether of the flesh or of the spirit.  

Run your fingers over the grooves of grace...the stripes of sacrifice....the holes of holiness.  The place that doubting Thomas finally believed (John 20:24-29) ...a declaration that scars hold weight and memory.  

In the injury he's with the healing he's with you and he knows it all...personally.  He bears battle wounds too. Celebrate his beautiful love stained scars....he bore them for you.

(see picture at

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