Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Releasing Bricks and Mortar

The plaster crumbles to reveal bricks and mortar that hold stories of their own.

One brick at a time...each layer of mortar.  
It takes time, labour, a strong will and 
determination to build it up.  
But in one fowl swoop...one harsh storm...
one wrecking ball...that's all it takes 
and you're back to SQUARE ONE.

Do the laws of gravity apply to the tearing down of a spirit inasmuch as the bulldozing of a structure?  There is ease in destruction...demolition...gossip, slander...the cold shoulder...

What am I getting out of this anyway?  Is there anything good in the feeding of the lazy and careless tumour that lies dormant until I poke and prod the nastiness deep within.  Does the poison taste sweet?  Do you feel that chill...as the darkness creeps in? As the tumour begins to grow...spread...infiltrate...strangling any life and goodness that surrounds it.

There is the power of life and death in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).  I can feel it as the careless words of destruction, of hate and gossip  pass over my lips...a decaying of any life and love in my spirit, infecting anyone within earshot with the same contagious bacteria of negativity and slander...poison... 

Who do I think I am?  I was never granted the right...the judgment was never mine.  It was in the hands of the one who sees it all...knows it all.  I can't hide my decrepit state from him...I can't pretend I'm not rotting inside.  He sees.  

I shake in fear...in digust of myself. As I grovel at the foot of the judges bench... begging to be pardoned...for the root of the tumour to be carved clear out.  

I hear the courtroom whisper his name as the judge enters...Christ.  I shrivel as all the darkness inside of me cowers under his rule.  I wait for the sentence to fall heavy upon me...like the wrecking ball of destruction I have so often dropped upon others.  

The judge speaks out, coinciding with the drop of his judges mallet after each word to seal that which is spoken...




Like hammering nails...into a blood stained cross. Piercing the tumour, destroying it with one swift blow.  

Hammering strength and life back into that which must be built up...I long to nurture it this time...one brick at a time...one layer of mortar at a time...one blood stained nail at a time.  But with the strength found in redemption.

He poured out that which I never willingly gave...life...love...a second chance.  It changes everything...life instead of death...now only life and love part these lips.  Because I received it when death was my sentence.

~wanna read more?  try Proverbs 18:8, Mark 7:17-23, Ephesians 1:7

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