Monday, May 20, 2013

Releasing Your Beauty

Lee Jeffries Photography

You are beautiful...

You were created to be that way...inside...out.  And you are...believe me.

Me - beautiful?  You ask.  Are there are things about you that you don't like...when you look at others there are things that you don't appreciate...things seen, things felt?  I am here to reassure you that you possess beauty...and if you look closely, if you remove the critical filter you look at life through, you'll see beauty all around you.  The beauty of a soul that is here for a reason, that is in this place at this time because it's supposed to be.  Your Creator does not make mistakes...ever.

Source: intriguing-individualism

God doesn't create outside of the realm of beauty because that is his essence....and we are made in his image guess what?  There is no escaping this beauty you so readily reject.  Your unique face, and's perfect because it is...because it's, breathing. Your personality, your ever changing and growing mind and contains the most magnificent beauty...light, life...a soul that is like no exists separate but never in a vacuum...never alone...your soul intermingles with others because of the beauty it contains...drawing.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...your beloved...the one who will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6), believes you are the most beautiful.  His filter is pure and truthful.  He sees the beauty you reveal and all the beauty you are hiding...deep down.  A beauty that extravagant should not be hidden, my friend.  It can change the world...a life...your life... 
Lee Jeffries Photography
Look closely...with's hard to see clearly without light...shine it...see how beautiful you are.

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