Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Releasing a Testimony

I struggled...for years.  A religious spirit had infiltrated and was rotting my heart...I let it.  Right and wrong, dos and don'ts...condemnation for me...judgment for everyone else.  My self-righteous attitude, poisoning me from the inside out.  Fake grace, fake love, fake heart...portraying a fake Jesus, fake life, fake me.  No truth.  Nothing that would sustain.  I think I believed that I had somehow earned God's grace and mercy...I was crying out for more.  I hated what I saw.  So I threw my hands up and walked away...

A child of the world.  Bondage was disguised as freedom...I really believed it for a time...until it wasn't enough.  Fake joy, fake fun, fake happiness for someone that kinda resembled me....but in truth, a fake me.  Truth was throwing stones at my bedroom window.  I ignored it for a while....eight years, actually.

I didn't know what the real truth was...and how it would set me free, indeed.

A turning point...I think scales must have fallen off my eyes that day...I probably could have seen them if I looked for them.  Something inside me changed...the cocoon I had built and dwelt in, so comfortably, was no longer feeling like home.  That day it began to feel constrictive, limiting...maybe even empty.  My heart was fickle...living in limbo.  There was more that I wasn't tapping into...that was going to be revealed to me that day as I morphed....into a new creation...maybe I was growing wings.   

I walked in the rain to work...iPod speaking God's love song to my  heart.  I didn't do anything....I didn't seek anything....He pursued me.  Whispered his sweet love song through my headphones.  Brought me from darkness to the light...even in the rain.  He must have known it would wash away the stains, purify what was tarnished. Revive what was half dead.  Asked me to expose all my filth, my wounds, my open sores so he could fix them.  Sometimes it just takes one touch to heal...the hem of his garment, even.  Just being close to him is enough...but he has more....he wants to lavish you with so much more.

Can you hear him? Listen close...


Click on the link to hear the song that called me back to Father God's arms

(Into the Light - Laura Woodley)

~John 8:36, Romans 12:2, Luke 8:44, Zephaniah 3:17

(see picture at http://pinterest.com/pin/98938523036454518/)

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