Monday, May 27, 2013

Releasing a Groan

She sits and closes her eyes.  Searching her mind...where to begin.  It's hard to find the words of a groan...a feeling that has deep roots...words are fluff.   

Like a woman ready to birth...there are no words...only deep guttural utterances to express the inexpressible.  This could be a birthing of sorts...something new comes forth out of a similar unrest...discomfort....urgency.  No words come but she focuses on him...his face....his past goodness.  Imagining she's staring at him face to face.  Praying that he'll read her mind...know the utterances of pain...the words.

Even in the midst of this moment, this uncertainty, this restlessness... joy can be the the the promise.  

In the same way, the spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans ~Romans 8:26 

His spirit to hers 

He knows her pain

He finds the words 

He intercedes 

Joy in the groan...because it's's's understood.  It's a promise!

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