Monday, September 16, 2013

Releasing the Overflow

Items neat and their place.  I clean crevasses out and purge the excess...ridding myself of clutter.  I neatly stack piles and scrub surfaces to sparkling...slacks freshly pressed and shirts neatly tucked.  My pulse beats with a fighting rhythm if the wind blows and shuffles things...intertwines hairs and waters my eyes.

But this is not the holiest of places....there's more joy to be had beyond this meticulous world I've constructed... a place where my knees buckle and the wind howls a love song so intoxicating I let go and let everything fly and spin.  

Gemma Ward photographed by Greg Kadel for Vogue Italia, November 2007His love is a turbine that envelopes me in a wild dance, sucking me under with grace and healing and this unruly forgiveness that he can't help but pour out...and this holy liquid love gushes and fills this vessel until overflowing.  No space left for milk or cream or anything else to be added, only filled by him...and it runs everywhere and all my best efforts to keep it contained are in vain.   

This extravagance, this overflow, this mess of too much upon much more, this abundant outpouring goes against everything I hold so tightly to most days....but when I am enveloped and sucked under and overflowing with this revelation of his goodness and glory, his kindness and unbelievable love I give up and lean in to this unknown, and then I, myself begin to release this ferocious love all around the grace of this amazing overflow... I can't help myself...I am never in want.  This cannot be contained in neatly stacked piles and I couldn't possibly focus long enough to scrub and press and purge.  

A child being wildly swung around in her daddy's strong yet tender arms, giggling with no want everyone to get entangled in this crazy thing you could never fully describe.

This extravagance is for you... let go long enough and trust the free-fall into his glorious overflow.

(see picture at

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