I knew waiting was part of it. Being patient for the revelation. I had done so much of that I started getting comfortable in the wait and then He said lets get up and go and I stood there for a minute. I didn't understand until He brought the beautiful faces to mind.
Souls...spirits...different stories...but the same thread. I think I was waiting for something so unfamiliar to show up...I didn't believe a purpose could just be pouring out into what was right in front of me...and had been for years.
Souls...spirits...different stories...but the same thread. I think I was waiting for something so unfamiliar to show up...I didn't believe a purpose could just be pouring out into what was right in front of me...and had been for years.
Be faithful with the little...the words pierced my heart and I could suddenly see. I was resuscitated back to a living rhythm and could suddenly see all the beautifully complicated woven webs of life and struggle and precious souls that He had brought to my path...that I could love and encourage and help to set free with His words of truth.
Hungry people...with ravenous appetites for more. All I had to do was feed them what I already had...from the overflow of what He graciously and abundantly gives me everyday...and to those who were right before me...in my life...on my path.
With a shoulder shaking, belly releasing out loud laughing i stood dumbfounded...it was so simple...so obvious and I had missed it time and time again.
If you're not careful, you can fall asleep in the thick soupy drone of the familiar...lose your vision...lose your interest...lose your mind...lose your way. But when you really open your eyes then suddenly the monotonous morphs into the beauty of each privileged moment where trusts and tears and the bearing of raw and beautiful souls is bestowed upon you and you realize...this is the place where heaven meets earth. The holiness kisses your brow...and you suddenly see that he's got you right where he wants you. And it's not some romantic mysterious faraway land or exotic story like you might have thought. It's right here...right where you are...in your coffee stained slacks and your sunburned hands. Its not neat and tidy and scrubbed sparkling...but its heavenly beautiful.
To some it's nothing extraordinary...this beautiful purpose filled life looks frayed and dull. And it would...to eyes that have fallen asleep to the familiar...eyes that will struggle their way to the end of the story looking for a beautiful purpose and place that is already being offered to them...he waits patiently...for decades...for lifetimes...with hands outstretched waiting for the gift to be taken.
When I finally embraced His desires for my heart they instantly transfused into my own coursing veins and so began my stained and frayed and perfectly beautiful purpose filled life. Day to day monotony grew new dimensions and flourished into technicolour. Dry bones watered with His word and truth. Eyes wide open to divine appointments that were packaged as emails and lunch dates.
Don't fall asleep in the wait...in the familiar. It's not forever... Keep your eyes peeled for His outstretched hands offering you the gift. Don't be surprised if it's one you've already rejected and stamped returned to sender. The name and address are not a mistake. Tear open the adhesive seal and release the beautifully familiar...the beautiful purpose filled life.
(see picture at http://pinterest.com/pin/98938523037077750/)