Friday, November 29, 2013

Releasing Inspiration for the Uninspired

Are you feeling uninspired today?  Like your brain just closed the shutters and decided to have a little siesta.  Where there was once an overflow of creativity and momentum, now it seems to lie blank...unstirred.  

I'm here to tell you...don't fear.  This is your day of rest.  Even God needed a day of rest after a mighty outpouring of creativity that brought the Earth into were made in his image so what makes you think this wasn't for you too?  It's good to say yes to he prepares you for what's next.  It could be something huge...or a time to change gears completely.  If you are ready to move forward, spend some time right now, in this moment being present where you are...take in your grateful.  Hear your heart sure you're listening to that still small voice inside of you.  And most times in order to hear it, you have to be still and small too...maybe even humbled.

Give yourself permission to rest.  You were not created to operate at high levels of intensity all the time.  Give the creative reserve some time to fill itself again.  Your gifting won't leave you...sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Lee Jeffries Photography

(see picture at

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