Sunday, December 8, 2013

Releasing Strength

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~Philippians 4:13 NKJV

I can accomplish a full and productive day ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can have faith when it's hard to believe ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can live a life free from addiction, weariness, depression ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can stop gossiping and speaking words of negativity ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can speak boldly, the words of truth ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can have a heart for those in need ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can love my enemies ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can overcome this difficult time ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can heal this tarnished and broken relationship ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can find acceptance in who I am as a child of God ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can live life to its fullest ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can live life abundant ... through Christ who strengthens me

I can accomplish the impossible ... through Christ who strengthens me

When I am weakest, I can find supernatural strength because it's CHRIST who strengthens me! (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Do you need strength for today?  As a child of God you can declare Philippians 4:13 as your own.  Ask him for whatever you need strength to face today and you shall receive (Matthew 7:7&8).  Fill in the blank and declare the promise for yourself today:

I can _________ ... through Christ who strengthens me

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