Monday, October 21, 2013

Releasing the Depth of Insight

This love is in my heart...deep in the core of my being.  It's beautiful when I see it clearly...when for a moment I can grasp the amazement of Christ, and the ultimate gift and that I truly am a part of this royal lineage.  But emotions run high, and brokenness is my thorn and as quickly as I'm elevated to the heights of his grace and mercy,  gravity grabs hard and chokes, tosses me as the waves.

Regardless of my reoccurring uncertain state I can know He remains as always...stable...unchanging...never failing.  Along with my heart of flesh that sings and bubbles over in jubilation, this love must also abound in knowledge and depth of insight (Philippians 1:9).  Where is my grounding force and my light when the night is black as ink?  I can't JUST be hooked on a beautiful and soul stirring as it may be.  Mixing the properties of knowledge and insight to the vulnerability of this honey dipped heart I bear makes this love 4 dimensional.  Takes me to a level where Holy Spirit, Father God and Sweet Jesus press me from all sides molding me and moving me into the true revelation of my being...that I am flesh but not just bone, spirit but not just mystical, emotion but not just impressionable.  That I am exactly what He's made me because it brought Him delight.  That I am not a mistake, and despite my best efforts and catastrophic failures He knows my whole story...beginning to end...before any of these moments were ever breathed into life.

I can't possibly understand all that He's doing but I can remain solid on His foundation by being overcome by His relentless love paired with the knowledge of his promises, His character and His good gifts...the meat of his Word to fill me deep within.  

Cliff jump

To dive deeper into this nourishment while pressing in to His thick fragrant ENCOUNTER the One True God is where your belief can rise beyond your momentary bliss.  Where you can praise His name in the height of abundance AND in the lions den.  Where regardless of my outward condition I can know that His life everlasting is bubbling and brimming inside this broken vessel because the depth of my insight is reaching deeper than the depth of the ocean floor.  Where the peace which passes all understanding becomes mine to claim because I truly KNOW where my worth and my identity sit...and NOTHING can change that.  When I open myself up to His still small voice leading me into his throne room, that's where heaven reaches to the depths of my world and moves me to the heights of His revelation.

(see picture at

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