Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Releasing a Smile

She saw him at the corner...cars whizzing by....the sun in her eyes...people rushing.   He sat on the cold hard ground...dirt in his nails...blankets hugging his seemingly small frame...eyes looking down...no words.

She felt her heart beating...beating - cross the street it said. Go to him.  Apprehensive she searches her mind...this makes me uncomfortable...I should keep walking...stop looking...stop feelingGo to him...give him your five.  She stops...heart beating...what have I got to loose? ... I have no words, she thinks...how can I let him know I see him, I care...you're loved...

Five folded and in hand she slowly approaches and leans over the crumpled paper bag...his face is close now...can she hear his heart beating?  She can hear hers...look up, it says.  Her eyes meet kindness...Jesus in disguise, dirty and hungry.  He smiles...through his blanket muffled speech the words - Thank you.  Their eyes lock and she smiles. This split second feels holy...sacred.  Is she peering into a face sent straight from heaven? She drops the five into the bag....I hear your voice, I see your face, she thinks.  If only the most profound of words could come out in this moment...that could change their lives forever.  She opens her mouth...have a good one...it's all she could muster.  She floods heaven with prayers as she walks away.  I am a coward, why couldn't I speak my heart?  

Silence...listening...then her Creator spoke, piercing the shame.  You gave a piece of your heart...that is a language that I loveWhatever you did for the hungry, the thirsty, someone needing a smile to set a rhythm to their heart again, you did it for me. (Matthew 25:40) Thank you.

thebrightstarsisee:    “Dont give me money just your smiles” Homeless guy I met in portland      (via imgTumble)

(see picture at http://pinterest.com/pin/98938523036454505/)

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