Seek first.
Everything else follows.
It’s a key to unlock
the truth.
The truth for freedom
For fullness
For everything else that follows.
But inevitably the order gets skewed
And importance is laid on things carnal
Passing away
To dust.
What is unseen will last
Things ruled by the ultimate Maker
Story teller
What is seen will pass away
That’s a long time
Yet the mantra of a dying world agrees
greater is the deteriorating
The scarred and marred
Trust and faith put in the Kingdom of eternity
The Kingdom of above and beyond
The Kingdom of more than you could think or dream
Hope for or ask for.
The rewards offered are greater
So I say it again
Seek first.
His ways
His thoughts
They are higher
Because He is higher
His Kingdom is higher
His plans are higher
His purposes are higher
Because He is higher
The last will be first
The first will be last
It’s all backward
Upside down
And over-easy
But it’s subjective
From the perspective of a dying world
That is backward
Upside down
And over-easy
Oozing and stenching
Of the arrogant evil one
So often I feel the kingdom of darkness creep in
to my mind
sit heavy on my chest.
Weighing me down.
Although it's difficult and heavy there is a lightness that I'm called to…
invited into if I choose to accept the invitation.
If I choose to remember
I can feel secure in my place and position as a child in His Kingdom
provided with all the goodness and power
All that I would ever need
lavished with extravagance
blessing upon blessing
to overflowing.
The carnal kingdom tells me I am in want
But that’s the voice of brokenness
In His Kingdom I can see clearly
I have more than enough
my cup runneth over.
I see with Kingdom eyes
speak out words with Kingdom truth
And things begin to happen in this carnal world.
My eyes begin to see truth
His truth
and you know what they say about truth?
It can set you free!
Free from the lies and heaviness
free from the pity party
free from the accuser's accusing
And once you're set free
Chains break
The floodgates open
With Kingdom Life and outpouring
It’s been waiting for you all along.
And that's the truth
In His Kingdom
Riches are for everyone
a bank account waiting to be activated
Withdrawls made
But accounts can remain untouched
For a lifetime
because eyes could only see the darkness
of the carnal.
Don't let the lier rob you blind!
Living in this carnal kingdom
I become distracted with possessions
Things that burn up and pass away
with the rotting of this world.
When I place too much emphasis
my heart begins to rot
along with them
Darkness creeps in.
Don’t get me wrong
part of His providing
His giving
can involve things of this world
Ultimately His dominion is over both
His Kingdom
this carnal one
And yes,
he wants me to enjoy what he provides
What he lavishes
once the gift becomes more important the giver,
the rotting begins.
If losing the gift is unfathomable
I am better to have not received it
at all.
Believe this
sometimes gifts are taken away
to make room…
for better gifts,
a new season of gifts,
Believe it
To live in His Kingdom ways.
His Kingdom
It’s not OF this world
But it INVADES this world
This world
In linear time
His presence
His Kingdom
In linear time
So to become real
In this world
The present
Is where we are
In linear time
So dwelling in His presence
His Kingdom
Are only found here
In the present
Not the future
Not the past
In the here and now
For me
For you
But in it’s fullness
Following in His make up
His existence of eternity
This Kingdom also exists beyond
Beyond the linear
Beyond our limitations of time and space
I am limited
I am human
My thoughts
My ways
All limited
The depth of my understanding
Cannot fathom
the depths
the Height
the Width
Of His Kingdom
Of His existence
Even as small as a mustard seed
Now that’s small!
But even that
Can open me up
To mind blowing
Life changing
World shifting
Season morphing
Soul lifting
Chain breaking
For today
And into eternity
Seek First!
(see picture at:
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