Friday, January 19, 2018

Releasing Pulse Word: Creative

Creativity oozes
from my pours into tangible life.
My hands move
Form something new.
Something from nothing.
A spark of the spirit
birthed into life.


I am only the vessel
the vehicle.
Moving this intangible thing
into the tangible.
Giving it a pulse
a life.
What grew
what formed
in the secret place.
Now in plain sight.

I am honoured to be a part of it.
To watch as something foreign is put together
like a puzzle.
As if putting the pieces together
Only feeling the curves and movement.
But the intuition
if trusted fully
can turn pieces into a masterpiece.

I come by it honestly
I am a chip off the old creative block
I was made this way
When I operate in this natural state
I find my authentic self.
I find my pulse
I find my breath
I find myself
I find Him

My identity
It's clear
It's plain as day
There is joy here
There is purpose here
There is a cup overflowing here
I can feel the buzzing of expectation here
Excitement here
A work is being worked out
I'm a part of it
Something bigger than myself

I was created
by the Original Creator
The real McCoy
The genuine article
I was created to be just like Him
He IS creative
He created me
In His likeness
And so my DNA spells it out
It's who He is
It's who I am
It's what we dwell in
It's familiar
It's family
It's home

(see picture at:

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