Thursday, January 16, 2014

Releasing the Fruit I Eat

I act surprised...even shocked.  As if I didn't see it if I'm offended by the outcome.  In the moment I made a choice...even if I wasn't aware that was what I was doing.  Even if I turned all reasoning to off, my actions are not played out in a vacuum.  Consequences are a direct result.  Do I move in my coming and going with purpose... deliberately?  Or am I walking around on auto pilot hoping for the best as I close my eyes and blaze ahead full throttle. 
I read the words out loud as they jump off the page at me...Rotten fruit by bizarreminiatures on
they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes 
(Proverbs 1:31)

And the fruit of my schemes today are so bitter and rotten I practically choke them up.  But even in the midst of this bitter regret, He invites me to come into his presence, brings me back into alignment, feeds me the bread of life and washes every offense...nailing each rancid piece of the puzzle to the blood stained and splintered cross that offers me another chance, a new start.

I seek and ask for wisdom...His divine and holy wisdom.  The wonder of His knowledge and understanding...that pocket where my senses feel heightened to what has been in front of me this whole time...the muck is cleared...and I'm in that sweet spot.  His Word is truth and life but somewhere along the line I have translated their meaning into a distorted version of themselves.  Making them rigid and bitter instead of the sweetness, pleasure and freedom that they bring.  Lacking wisdom has a bitter aftertaste.  

I try to live my life marching to my own drum beat...following my own rules and expecting that the outcome will be far better than what He has designed.  I step out of His order and direction and think the path will still be straight and narrow because I know what I'm doing.  I fumble around in the dark wondering why I keep falling into traps...why I get so confused and distracted.  I can't see in the dark...I can't see when I turn my back on the Light...the Truth.  His truth is the only way to be sure I can see clearly...
stair, lightsYour word is a lamp onto my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:25). So that when the path forks or takes a deep plunge into the unknown, each at a time...will be lightened... enlightened... given the space and clarity that it warrants.  Space and clarity so I find the safety He intended...the health and comfort He intended...the wisdom, knowledge and understanding He intended, feeding Life to my mortal body and my immortal spirit.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (MSG)

Looking at it one way, you could say, “Anything goes. Because of God’s immense generosity and grace, we don’t have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster.” But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well

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