Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Come and Feast

In the long hours of the night, come and rest.  
In the early moments of the dawn, come and feast.
Feast on what you need for today,
to push through
for breakthrough
and some days, just to get through.  
No matter the reason
come and feast

.@Susan Caron Stoffer Photography | Slow dinner outside tonight. #vscocam

A helping of grace,
To nourish a weary spirit
Eat it up until you are filled
A steaming cup of tenderness and warmth
to melt a heart gone cold
Drink it in.  
Find healing
in exhaling your need for perfection
and breathe deep the nourishing truth
that you are enough…
right here and right now.
Because He declared it over you
Before you lived one day

Know your limitations.
make peace with them.
Celebrate them
Because they are what will propel you
into a season of breakthrough.
The weaker I am
the stronger He will be.
to His glorious
and grace-filled way

The pains of yesterday are done.  
Behind you now.
Come feast for today
To nourish

To fill you up.

(see picture at: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/98938523050000606/)

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