Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Releasing the Older, Wiser Me

When I am older and wiser 
I shall hear the beating of my heart 
At a steady and easy rhythm 
And inhale cleansing breaths
Deep into my lungs
When I am older and wiser
This will be my resting state of breathing
My resting state of being
My mind will be able to focus on one thing at a time
And lovingly embrace the moment
All the moments
With a calm, peace-filled heart
Life will no longer feel like an anxious hustle 
A whirlwind of appointments to make 
And people to please
Will no longer consist of herding and disciplining children
Of orchestrating schedules 
While managing to suppress the impatient, raging beast inside 
Before she vomits her foul venom all over my loved ones
She will be at rest
Curled up with a good book
On a lazy afternoon
Totally Love This.
When I am older and wiser
I shall go beyond knowing the truth
To understanding the truth
Believing the truth
And this shift of knowledge will set me free
Anxiety will no longer pay me a visit
In the middle of the night
Whispering lies about who I am
And who I am not
Worry will have fled the gate 
Long ago
Knowing there was no one to feast on here any longer
I will have recognized the goodness of God
Over and over
Time and again
And will have let go of wondering 
if He’s really got this
If He’s really paying attention
If He really cares 
I will know 
That I know
That I know
That He is good, faithful and completely trustworthy

When I am older and wiser
I shall have emptier hands
And a fuller heart
Because I will have let go 
Of what this life should be
I shall allow it to unfold
In the divine perfection
That the divine Creator 
Had always intended

(see picture at: