Wednesday, December 11, 2019

This is Advent

The quiet 
inconspicuous moments.
Where the miracle is birthed.
Where we make space
to behold 
the newborn King.

There is nothing flashy or hurried about it.
In fact,
We must retreat from the hustle.
From the tinsel and ribbon.
To meet Him,
to greet Him.
To behold 
the newborn King.

In the mess of the hay.
Among the humble
and meek.
To quiet our hearts
and hush our voices
as you do
when the miracle of new birth
is in your midst.
To behold His fragility
and honour His majesty.
Where all is calm
and all is bright.
Where comfort and joy become your own.
Right in this moment.
In the midst of your mess,
come and behold Him.
Just as you are.

This is Advent.

I stand staring at our Christmas tree.
The scent of pine filling the air.
The crinoline under my Christmas dress
itching my small three year old legs.
I stand on tip toe 
to behold Him.
The tiny wooden ornament.
The creche on our tree.
The choir sings in harmony
on our family record player:
All is calm,
all is bright.
In this moment,
in my three year old way,
I make space.

This is Advent.

Years later,
my childhood wonder faded and frayed 
through the harsh filter of adulthood.
I trudge through the slushy mess
of the city streets
in the December darkness.
Carrying heavy bags of shiny gifts in my hands
and a heavy heart of overwhelm in my chest.
As I let out a sigh,
I catch a glimpse of light to my right.
I stop and watch
with wonder.
The light piercing this dark night
illuminating the wooden creche 
displayed on the front stoop of the church.
I breathe.
I behold the delicately painted face
of the newborn King.
I hear myself humming 
something old and familiar:
All is calm,
all is bright…
In this moment
I make space.

This is Advent.

Years later,
the babe in my lap,
of my flesh and blood,
stares at the babe in the manger.
With wonder.

What is it?  I ask.
It’s the baby Jesus!  He proudly declares.
And what is He doing? I probe, while pointing to the painted creche.
He’s resting, he whispers
in his three year old lispy sweetness.

I watch him 
while he watches the Christ child.
I hold my sweet boy
as he beholds the miracle of Christmas.
Unconsciously I begin to hum an old familiar tune:
All is calm,
all is bright…
In this moment
we make space.

This is Advent.

Where we get quiet 
in the expectant waiting.
Where comfort and joy become our own.
In our wonder.
Where the light pierces our darkest of corners.
Where all is calm
and all is bright.
As we make space
and behold the miracle
of the newborn King.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Releasing the Older, Wiser Me

When I am older and wiser 
I shall hear the beating of my heart 
At a steady and easy rhythm 
And inhale cleansing breaths
Deep into my lungs
When I am older and wiser
This will be my resting state of breathing
My resting state of being
My mind will be able to focus on one thing at a time
And lovingly embrace the moment
All the moments
With a calm, peace-filled heart
Life will no longer feel like an anxious hustle 
A whirlwind of appointments to make 
And people to please
Will no longer consist of herding and disciplining children
Of orchestrating schedules 
While managing to suppress the impatient, raging beast inside 
Before she vomits her foul venom all over my loved ones
She will be at rest
Curled up with a good book
On a lazy afternoon
Totally Love This.
When I am older and wiser
I shall go beyond knowing the truth
To understanding the truth
Believing the truth
And this shift of knowledge will set me free
Anxiety will no longer pay me a visit
In the middle of the night
Whispering lies about who I am
And who I am not
Worry will have fled the gate 
Long ago
Knowing there was no one to feast on here any longer
I will have recognized the goodness of God
Over and over
Time and again
And will have let go of wondering 
if He’s really got this
If He’s really paying attention
If He really cares 
I will know 
That I know
That I know
That He is good, faithful and completely trustworthy

When I am older and wiser
I shall have emptier hands
And a fuller heart
Because I will have let go 
Of what this life should be
I shall allow it to unfold
In the divine perfection
That the divine Creator 
Had always intended

(see picture at:

Monday, March 18, 2019

Releasing the Invitation

It was an invitation from above, she thought.  
To know the truth of what lies beneath.
The hidden gems she longed to see and touch that wouldn’t emerge to a spirit wedged between fear and regret.
A spirit so deeply wounded it couldn’t see beyond the fog of the lies.  
Wasn’t there more than meets the eye in a day?
She could see the soft glow of the crescent moon blanketing over the land and the shoreline as the reeds trembled against the movement of the air.
Ever so softly.
The subtleties could be missed if you wanted.  
But she was living from a place of intention and presence today.
She was leaning into the signs and wonders all around.
Allowing patience to rule over this moment...this head-space.
To really see and to truly know the secrets that were concealed to closed up eyes...and a closed up heart.  
Openness was the gateway and gratitude was the gift.