Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Releasing a Life of Contradictions

What’s right is wrong
What’s “bad” is good
I struggle doing
As I should

The world around
Has set it’s rules
We mimik close
We act like fools

Never question
What we do
Never wonder
What’s the Truth

My soul is rotting
Deep within
By worldly sin

We come without
An offering
To change this world
We’re visiting

We long for good
And what is true
But get caught in
What others do

I’m torn in pieces
Longing for
A life that’s filled
With so much more

We must adjust
What we believe
To live life whole
To live life free

The first is last
The last is first
What’s low is high
What’s great is worst

Renew my mind
And heart each day
Adjust my thoughts
To know the way
That God has made
Abundant life
To give us all

A mind like Christ

(see picture at: